A thought collection around the topic of starting and finishing a project or an idea.

As a child, you get your first PC and immediately start dreaming about having your very own website. However, when you are young, without money, and can not code, you simply have to accept the fact that this may stay a dream. Time passes, you start studying a technical topic and of course, you also learn how to code. You start your own projects (electrical, mechanical, software, etc.). But in the back of your mind, you still have the desire to create your own internet presence. A place to share your projects, thoughts, and ideas.

Do you feel addressed? Yeah - me too!

Now I finally dared to actually start something like this. As of now, writing this text, I still feel the doubts, the fear of not finding the correct words, or the assumption that this anyhow makes no sense. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, it is always hard for me to start a project and even harder to finish one. It is easy to have the initial idea on something - it is also easy to collect more ideas on how to improve this idea even further. But it is not so easy to stop the intensive planning/dreaming phase and actually start doing it.

Why? Well probably because you realize during the execution phase that some goals or expectations are simply unrealistic. Along the journey, you have already made some painful tradeoffs in order to make the goal more achievable. However, this is still not the hardest part in all the stages of a project. The biggest hurdle - at least for me - is to find a realistic estimation of when something is finished and ready to be published or at least put aside.

The same thing now hits me when writing this first blog post. When is the post finished? Should I even release this text? Is the website/blog even worthy enough to be published via GitHub pages?

All these thoughts are holding you and also me back. And to be honest, we should really learn more on how to finish a project than how to start one. So this is my first step on this self-therapy-journey 😁 on how to start, finish and publish projects/ideas. And I encourage you to do the same.